A mechanical masterpiece from Time for Machine! The impressive Marvel Tank combines military style with fascinating steampunk elements. The complex mechanics in the form of gears and springs, as well as a complete design made of polished stainless steel, underline the look of the model tank. This kit is a must for model builders and hobbyists!
Mixture of military and steampunk
What happens when you combine the wonder of military equipment with the sophisticated aesthetic of steampunk? Time For Machine's Marvel Tank model appeared at the intersection of history and art! Inspired by real models from the First World War, this stylization impresses not only with its magnetic brutality, but also with its light, elegant design. Cold shine of the chains, flawless conciseness of the military style: the harmony of form and content just looks like this.
The mechanics of the model tank
The model works with a mechanical spring, which drives the numerous gears and sets the tank in motion. Thanks to the mechanism, the tank tracks can overcome all obstacles in their path. Watch our video and let the mechanics convince you!
Additional Information
Model size: 141 x 63 x 48 mm
Scope of delivery: 4 panels with components, 9 additional gears, mainspring, polishing cloth and instructions.
Material: polished stainless steel.
Number of components: 140 pieces.
Scale: 1:56
Instructions in:German, English, Spanish, French
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Unsere umfassende Sammlung bietet eine beeindruckende Auswahl an hochwertigen Modellen und DIY-Kits, ideal für Bastler und Sammler jeden Alters. Von detailgetreuen Holzmodellen über mechanische 3D-Puzzles bis hin zu kreativen Baukästen – bei uns finden Sie alles, was Ihr Herz begehrt. Perfekt als Geschenk oder für Ihr persönliches Hobby. Bestellen Sie bequem online und erleben Sie stundenlangen Bastelspaß und ein einzigartiges Bauerlebnis. Tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt des Modellbaus mit TMK Handel!
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